I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired with people talking iPhone this and iPhone that. I do love Apple, tapi kayanya gue bakalan say no to iPhone deh. I don't get it, apa bagusnya sih? Apalagi comparing to BB, here's the reason I would not change my BB to iPhone:
1) It's not a one-handed operation. Imagine, pas lo lagi bawa banyak barang, atau lagi nyetir, pasti megang hp pake satu tangan kan? But with iPhone? You can't do much with one hand
2) No matter versi ke berapapun, iPhone just looked the same -at least on the outside. Isn't that kinda boring?
3) Just like any other Apple iPod, there are no removable battery. Padahal untuk dengerin lagu, seharusnya malah menguras batterynya kan? Jadi kalo kita lagi di suatu tempat yg ga ada stop kontak, we can't just switch it ke battery cadangan ck ck
4) No video recording capabilities. Gosh, we're in 2009!
5) It's too damn expensive, ya ga sih? I mean, it's not really worth the price
6) One thing the iPhone missed is the Qwerty keyboard. Virtual keyboard itu ga enak bangeeeet! It's the main reason I don't like iPhone. I mean, for me, gue suka ngetik sambil nonton tv which I can do very well on my BB Qwerty keyboard. But virtual? Bahkan ngeliatpun masih sering salah mencet
7) I can't believe they can't do MMS! Bahkan hp Nokia jaman dulu aja udah bisaaa
8) Di BB, kalo mau nelfon, you can just press the number. Tapi di iPhone, lo harus ke beberapa tahap yg lumayan panjang sblm nelfon.. It is a phone, isn't it made to make a call easier?
9) They don't have voice dial too, HA!
10) You can't expand your iPhone memory. Kalo lo beli yg 8gb, that's it. But you can always expand your BB memory
11) The weakest thing of iPhone is, you can't copy-paste
12) We all know iPhone punya kelebihan yg sama kaya iPod, yaitu untuk dengerin lagu. But when you try the iPhone speakers, it really sucks! BB is much better
13) iPhone's camera don't have flash
14) In this year 2009, iPhone can't do bluetooth. God, we still have to use WIRE? I love bluetooth headseeeet
15) You can't send voice messages each other with your messenger friends on iPhone
16) There are no task/ToDo application, and they're calling it a business phone
- source from: crackberry.com
Iya che gue juga gatau kenapa ga terlalu pengen iphone, gue lebih pengen javelin.
Iya emang, lagian iPhone mahal gila males bgt, trus harus ganti nomer jadi telkomsel juga..
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